We are proud to be misfits. Why?
Building an unusually great company starts with an unusual team.
We don't care if you haven't finished (or attended) school, if you were super important at a 'Big Tech' company or if you ran a startup that crashed and burned.
What we do care about is your ability to learn, iterate, and ship.
That's why we have people in Belgium, the East and West coast of the US, England, France, Colombia, and South Africa, among other places. Learn more about diversity at PostHog.
Core team
James Hawkins, Co-Founder & CEO
I spent the first 10 years of my career trying to be a professional cyclist. I used to do web development part time to make some money on the side. I wasn't particularly good at either.
I live in Cambridge with Fran (wife), Ruby (daughter), and Wally (cat). Since you're probably wondering, the cat's name is a reference to WALL-E - work for us to find out why.
After a growing sense of my own mortality combined with a bunch of large crashes put me off continuing with my cycling career, I bootstrapped an online marketing company to several million dollars a year.
I wanted more experience of working in a VC backed startup, so I could work on something really ambitious. I moved to Arachnys, and somehow wound up as a their VP of Sales for a little over 4 years, where I used to manage a team selling very large enterprise software deals. We learned how to take our sales from an average of $5K/year to over $1M/year.
I started working with Tim on a few ideas that didn't work out in August 2019. We built PostHog during the Y Combinator W20 batch, and launched in February 2020. You can work out what I've been up to since by stalking me online.
Tim Glaser, Co-Founder & CTO
I've been coding since I've been 11, which isn't as long ago as I'd like it to be. Someone first paid me to write code when I was 13 (though I'm sure they regretted it) and someone else gainfully employed me when I was 16.
Originally from the Netherlands, though I quickly moved to London (I do not generally enjoy nice weather) where I joined Arachnys and shortly afterwards met James Hawkins. I went from being a software engineer, to product manager, to "leading" an R&D team, which consisted of just me.
After four years I thought it was time to go do something else and had lined up a new job. Roughly 37 seconds after it was announced James wanted to "grab a beer." While plying me with alcohol, he convinced me to give up this fancy new job and instead start a startup with him.
In my 'spare' time, I fall down snowy mountains, wrestle in the mud over an egg-shaped ball and watch a lot of Bondi beach in order to perfect my Australian accent.
Max, Hedgehog in Residence
At PostHog, we sponsor a hedgehog for every new team member! Our donations support the work of the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust in the UK, where the hedgehog population has sadly fallen by 50% over the last 20 years.
As HIR, Max oversees all hedgehog-related activity, including consuming an omnivorous diet, hibernating during the winter months, and being illegal to own as a pet in Italy and some US states. Max likes sleeping in dens and dislikes badgers.
🌎Marius Andra, Software Engineer
I first got into programming in 1994 when I wanted to make my own computer games... and asked my father for help. He sat me behind a Turbo Basic interpreter, wrote
PRINT "Marius on tubli poiss"
and then left me there. I was 8 years old.Luckily we had a Yamaha YIS-805/128R2 lying around... with floppy disks full of random .BAS files. I was hooked. Cue to the beautiful loops of CLS, PRINT and GOTO statements that ensued. I even made some games where you could move two dinosaurs who got points when they kissed each other. It was glorious.
I also got into "web development" in 1997 after seeing Netscape at my mother's university. They even provided me with a generous 10MB of space to host my own beautiful website, complete with animated gifs, a Mortal Kombat fanpage and a strong recommendation to use 800x600 with HiColor!
This was followed by years of writing games in C++ and then writing tutorials about them, coding websites in Perl, PHP, Java and Ruby... and "losing" a decade as the CTO of two failed startups.
On the side I built an open source database analytics platform... and when that got on Hacker News, James reached out... and the rest is history.
These days I live in Belgium and code state management libraries in JavaScript for fun.
Eric Duong, Software Engineer
I recently graduated and while in college I helped cofound a social dining platform. I spent two years trying to get strangers to cook and dine with each other. In reality, it turned into a 2 year stint of teach yourself as much mobile development as you can while simultaneously trying to build a usable platform. My cofounders and I had our fair share of contemplating dropping out of school and becoming a unicorn in 5 years—it didn't work out.
Somewhere along the way I fell down the bitcoin rabbit hole and after realizing day trading crypto wasn't a feasible nor fulfilling long term goal, I remained fascinated by digital currency. This led me to briefly work with a company building a digital cash transfer system for developing economies.
I currently work as a generalist around most of PostHog's stack building many of the user-facing features but occasionally pick up backend tasks.
To end with an obligatory "I dO MoRE ThAN COdE" detail: I plan to take advantage of PostHog's all remote policy to travel and hike as many major mountain treks around the world as possible. Ambitions subject to change as always though.
James Greenhill, Software Engineer
When I was a kid the first thing I remember wanting to be was a pilot, so naturally here I am knee deep in code and data!
Growing up was slightly different in Florida. Things that are normal there are growing up in the water and spending almost all of your free time in it. In the Gulf of Mexico for me. We’d go swimming, scuba diving, or fishing in that warm body of water almost every weekend.
Nowadays I’m spending my free time on a bike finding some new trail up in the northern bits of the Bay Area that I call home now. If not on a bike you’ll find my friends and I on a hike either around here or over in Tahoe or some National Forest east of here. Lately I’m trying to get back into flying. I’ve got about 80 hours of flight in the book, but still don’t have my ticket! It’s time to change that. In the winter time you can find me ruining skis on some mountain.
In my professional life I’ve generally managed mopping up the 1’s and 0’s. I’ve led data at an upstart music streaming company, and dove way too deep into the depths of the comment section leading data at Disqus. Kept an eye on a fleet of Autonomous Ubers. Most recently I combined my interest in bikes with data leading data engineering at Jump, still the best micromobility company out there.
When I’m not out and about in nature you can find me at home with my cat Tesla and Taco our goofball of a Lab Corgi mix.
Lottie Coxon, Graphic Designer
I am from the UK - so by default I love the pub, marmite and tea (but not all at once, that would be a sin).
I spent my youth trying to master fine art, after my teacher said I wasn't very good and that I should try something else. In my stubbornness I decided to prove her wrong, and here I am - a designer.
After studying art through school, I took Graphic Design at university and graduated in summer 2020 with a first class degree. But instead of a summer of fun, I was faced with a crashing economy, a pandemic and a collapsing job market. But thankfully, after putting my portfolio up on twitter, I was contacted by PostHog a mere 24 hours later, and the rest is history.
I am now their Graphic Designer, and I couldn't be happier. I spend my days composing layouts for the website, designing the product’s aesthetic, and most importantly drawing hedgehogs.
Oh and another thing, I live in the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) with my boyfriend G. We tend to move a lot and used to live in Senegal, but for the moment we are here.
Check my README to see all my loves, hates and quirks.
Michael Matloka, Software Engineer
When I was seven, I liked to spend my free time assembling LEGO sets. What I enjoyed even more was building new things out of all the bricks I had from disassembling sets. Then one day I deleted
from the family Windows XP PC.It was at that moment I realized computers are much closer to LEGO bricks than magic.
The fascination with computers progressed from that point. In high school, I became passionate about computer science and software for real. I built up a portfolio of open-source projects – some I still maintain, some one-off, and some I've yet to finish. At the end of school, I was not entirely convinced about spending four years at university. It seemed much more worthwhile and fun to learn by building something interesting, so I thought: I might just as well apply to some tech startups and see what happens. This worked out with PostHog, which I've found via Hacker News's monthly "Who is Hiring?" thread!
I've acquired some other hobbies too. Juggling them is a challenge:
- astronomy (I was an astrophysics nerd before I realized software is cool too and much easier to make a career out of)
- travel (goal: visiting all European capitals, currently at 23 out of 46)
- architecture (buildings and spaces are just as tricky to figure out as software user experiences, except much more permanent)
- design (my drawing skills are non-existent though)
- photography (take a look at my Unsplash profile)
- cinema and TV (A24 and HBO)
- music (some genres: electropop, post-classical, soundtracks)
- LEGO (still, just much more advanced)
Yakko Majuri, Software Engineer
Often on the move, sometimes by choice, and sometimes by chance, I'm a Brazilian-Finn who has lived in 6 countries across 4 continents.
Passionate about teaching (but far from an academic), I taught an official high school course before graduating high school, became a Visiting Scholar before joining university, and presented my first paper at the European Central Bank during my freshman year (anonymous submission - they thought I had a PhD).
Prior to PostHog, I was a technical consultant for clients which included a Fortune 500 company. A fan of building useful things, I'm a self-taught developer who has worked on an a wide variety of projects, from a travel app, to multiple websites and browser extensions, and even some white-hat hacking. For the past three years, I developed a nice habit of writing about my projects, which led me to a Medium page that once surpassed 250k views in just 30 days. These days I mostly write less structured content at yakkomajuri.github.io.
When I'm not working, I have been found hitchhiking in foreign lands, taking pictures of political demonstrations, and trying to learn Korean after one too many beers. I'll pick playing cards with my grandmother over the club on any Friday night, and my favorite place to spend the Saturday is on top of a mountain.
Oh, and I'm also part of the select group of software developers who have won a dunk contest in their lifetime. If that means anything.
Charles Cook, Operations & Marketing
Born and raised in the UAE, I'm half British, half Lebanese, and grew up in various countries across the Middle East, Africa and Europe. Now based in the UK, I live with my wife Steph and 2-year old son Remy.
I oversee all things ops & marketing at PostHog - unusual combo, I know. I focus most of my time as an individual contributor on figuring out how to grow our word of mouth, running marketing campaigns, financial planning, all things legal, and coming up with new ways to improve our culture. I also run BookHogs, our monthly book club.
I was previously COO at Vitl, (personalised nutrition), and before that I held various roles including Director of Product at ROLI (electronic music hardware and software).
I love terrible jokes, beautifully crafted sandwiches and looking at designer houses I will never live in. I like to occasionally torment my son with my piano playing and spend more time than is probably reasonable making lists of things, à la High Fidelity.
See my README for tips on how to work with me.
Cory Watilo, Lead Designer
(It's pronounced WADDLE-low.)
I'm the self-proclaimed webmaster of PostHog.com.
As one of the few PostHoggers who never attempted to enter the world of professional cycling, I instead spend much of my free time exploring new coffee shops or wine bars - generally sipping an iced almond milk latte in the morning and a nice sangria when it hits 5:00 somewhere. On Tuesdays, you can be sure to find me at a Taco Tuesday. (I live for Tuesdays.)
I was once labeled "The migrating goose of PostHog" by CEO James Hawkins, as I spent 3+ years traveling the United States in an RV. After a few years, I settled down in Tampa, Florida where I swapped the truck and RV for a golf cart, which is now my primary mode of transportation!
When I'm not wireframing in Balsamiq, designing in Figma, or writing Tailwind CSS, I'm likely building legos with my two year old. Since I'm a dad, I am now legally entitled to make dad jokes. So in light of the rich cycling history of our company, I present the following: "Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself? It was two tired."
Li Yi Yu, Full Stack Engineer
HI! I'm Li from NYC. I fell in love with coding towards the end of college, jumped into a programming bootcamp right after, worked at a healthtech company for two years, and here I am today!
Some things I enjoy: karaoke, Switch/PC/board games, a good movie or series, struggling on hikes because I've spent too much time indoors, and exploring the NYC food scene.
Neil Kakkar, Software Engineer
There's three things I love:
- Learning new things
- Applying them
- Doing something useful
Software happens to tick all those boxes, so there's no wonder I enjoy coding.
Before PostHog, I was at Bloomberg for ~2.5 years, before which I was studying Mathematics and Computing (ouch) at IIT Delhi. I've built a few fun projects, but one of my favourites is a crypto-currency I started in university that aimed to resolve the issues with Bitcoin. Even with a metric-tonne of funding, that didn't work out as expected, which clued me in to learn about non-technical skills and how startups work.
When I'm not coding, I write my blog, which also not surprisingly, ticks all the boxes above. I've had more than a few posts reach the top of Hacker News, which is epic.
When the above two exhaust me, I spend time travelling, bouldering, hiking, or dancing. Sometimes, I swim too, but the only stroke I know is the panic-stroke. Some other times, I spend time meeting interesting people on Twitter.
Fun Fact: I usually find out about "current" affairs ~2-6 months after they happen. Yes, I learned about Brexit after it happened... ...It happened, right?
Tiina Turban, Software Engineer
As another Estonian I also first got exposed to coding in high school. From there things escalated pretty fast and while my friends were eating ice-cream and enjoying the lovely sunny spring day outside I was in the computer lab programming a Snake game.
During my CS studies I did a quick detour and spent a summer selling books door-to-door in the US, which confirmed my suspicions that software engineering is a much better fit, but left me with an invaluable experience and thicker skin =)
I explored the fabulous life in Silicon Valley working at Facebook for 5 years and Twitter for 1. However I missed Europe and my love/obsession for dancing brought me back, this time to the land of croissants and cheese - Paris, France. Outside of work and dancing I am currently on a quest to learn French, like to frequent the gym, and listen to non-fiction audiobooks.
Eli Kinsey, Front End Engineer
When I was 12, I was obsessed with trying to access MySpace from our school computers. At some point, after entering
ping myspace.com
500 times, my teacher began wondering what I was doing, as did I. He yelled, "Hey, stop messing around in DOS!" I didn't tell him it wasn't DOS. Mostly because I had no idea it wasn't DOS.When I'm not working, I enjoy creating and listening to music. I also enjoy cooking (haven't killed anyone yet), hiking Mt. Tam, and drinking a good beer. Sometimes at the same time.
Paul D'Ambra, Software Engineer
I've always wanted to solve problems. So, I studied biochemistry. And discovered I am not a biochemist. During and after university, I played in several bands. Without changing the world of music. And fell into a job in I.T. support. For several years I managed I.T. for The British Mountaineering Council. I taught myself to program. Studied an MSc in Computer Science part-time. And discovered that writing software is how I love solving problems.
I'm half Italian. When I was young I refused to learn to speak Italian. Ma sto imparando ora! To make amends I've been learning to make Neapolitan style pizza and getting pretty good.
There is a worrying link between the number of programming languages I've used and the number of children I've had. For a while, I was saying I had five children. Until someone pointed out I was counting the dog. My labrador retriever Yoko is - as measured by photos taken - my favourite child.
Since becoming a software engineer full-time. I've worked at software agencies. At a startup, building Google Analytics for the physical world (which was like magic when it worked). And spent several fulfilling years leading teams at Co-op Digital. I think in diagrams and draw on tables. And I am never happier than in the moments after I have managed to figure out how to make something simpler.
I've been keeping a weekly work diary for most weeks since the start of 2020. It's been a great tool for practising being more reflective. And to help me remember you can work hard and still have fun.
Cameron DeLeone, Customer Success
I've jumped around a lot, professionally. Once upon a time, I studied meditation and the brain by training drug users to meditate and then putting them in an MRI machine. It was a lot of fun, but ultimately, I realized the academic thing was not for me. After that, I cut my teeth at a few software companies, where I worked with a ton of users, helping them build all manner of fun and interesting things to automate their businesses.
I found that I enjoyed making operations "just work" for businesses and developing relationships with customers quite a lot, so I spent the next couple of years consulting, doing just that. Eventually, I teamed up with a friend's agricultural business, where I built out an e-commerce store to sell poultry early in the pandemic, and built tools to improve operations. Ultimately, there are only so many technical problems to solve for a small poultry business, which is why I ended up at PostHog.
When I'm not PostHogging, I can be found cooking, hiking, collecting tinned fish, playing tennis, or pretending I'm 80 years old and contemplatively smoking a pipe.
Andy Vandervell, Content Marketer
I spent 15 years in the media industry before joining PostHog, starting out as a lowly writer and working my way up the publishing food chain. Later in my career I moved into audience development, which is media code for “does SEO and stuff with data”. I now do content, SEO and stuff with data for PostHog.
I’m a big fan of sports most people find boring, like cricket, Formula 1 and snooker. I’m your standard issue geek – I love videogames and sci-fi, but I’m kind of done with superhero franchises.
My main passion in my spare time is online sim racing – i.e. taking being a pretend racing driver way too seriously. Entering 12 hour endurance races, studying telemetry data and learning the intricacies of suspension geometry is my kind of fun.
Simon Fisher, Customer Success
After studying four years of Computer Science at the University of Sheffield in the UK I realised that I enjoyed presenting to humans and helping them solve their own problems with technology rather than hacking away at my (middling) code all day; thus a career in Customer Success was born. My main focus in this journey has been helping people automate lots of different things:
- IBM (7 years) - automate build and deployment
- CA Technologies (1.5 years) - automate build and deployment but with a different product
- Chef Software (5 years) - automate infrastructure and compliance
- Logz.io (1 year) - automate monitoring and observability
As you can tell, my passion is helping people automate all of the things so along the way I've picked up skills in DevOps, Cloud, and many adjacent areas. I also led technical teams at Chef and Logz.io so I'm passionate about developing high-performing groups of customer-obsessed people. Notwithstanding my above comment about avoiding coding 9-5, I do like to keep my hands dirty with technology and I've been maintaining a website for people with Type 1 Diabetes (like myself) since 2008 which has helped me level up in Ruby, Javascript, Containers and lots more.
I live in Sheffield in the North of the UK with my wife, 3 young boys and a black labrador so have a very busy home life, mainly focused on taking the boys to various sporting clubs, long walks in the woods and Lego building.
When not working or family-ing I enjoy gaming on the Xbox, watching superhero films and home automation. My new year's resolution for 2022 is to watch all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in timeline order. My all-time favourite TV show is The Office: An American Workplace and 90% of the GIFs I use come from there.
Grace McKenzie (she/her), Finance & Operations Lead
I hail originally from Niagara Falls, Canada (yes there is a city there!), and studied organic chemistry at the University of British Columbia with a view to enter the wine industry. Following a summer spent living and working at a winery estate along the German Mosel river, I decided that the industry was entirely too traditional for my tastes, leading me to pivot in search of something else.
Having been heavily involved in student politics at UBC (I served as President of Canada's largest student union), I nearly went to law school before fate brought me down to the Bay Area to build an AI-powered drone anti-collision software company as Head of Business Development & Operations.
After a few years of fumbling around figuring out how start-ups work, I left Iris Automation to start my own company that failed spectacularly (turns out most folks don't want to give money to musicians during an unprecedented global pandemic), teaching me a number of important lessons about life and business.
My next stop was Gordian Software as Operations Lead, where I built the systems and processes that allowed us to facilitate the sale of airline ancillary services -- think seats and bags -- to millions of passengers around the world via online travel agency websites like Priceline. A few years later, I was ready for a new challenge, and stumbled upon the perfect role here at PostHog helping Charles and the team scale the business at a breakneck pace.
As for my personal life, I am a proudly out queer woman, and I do a lot of public speaking and advocacy work for queer rights, especially focused currently on the right for everyone to play sports as an avid athlete myself.
I recently moved to Brooklyn, NY I play rugby with the New York Women's Rugby Club as a flanker. In my spare time, I play billiards competitively 3 times per week, boulder at my rock climbing gym, wrench and ride my motorcycle (Triumph Thruxton 1200R) around NYC, and am constantly listening to music or playing guitar and singing. I'm also taking a full-stack coding bootcamp through Coding Dojo on the Edie Windsor Scholarship from Lesbians Who Tech.
Finally, for the astrology nerds out there, I'm a Scorpio sun, Capricorn moon, and Aquarius rising, but I have so much Scorpio in my chart (5 houses), that it really defines me the most.
Coua Phang, Tech Talent Partner
I have lived coast to coast and am now temporarily in the south of the United States with family. I have spent the last fourteen years of my professional career in talent and people and absolutely love it! There’s just something satisfying about the hustle for great talent and learning about someone’s journey.
Outside of my career, I enjoy traveling, trying new restaurants, taking hikes with my three-year old cockapoo, Jasper and spending time with my insanely huge family (9 siblings and 17 nieces/nephews in counting)!
I am also a big foodie - I am always on the hunt for some good soup dumpling and ramen!
Ben White, Full Stack Engineer
Servus! 👋 By day I'm a Software Engineer jumping into every part of the stack I can get my hands on - by night I'm a
legendaryamateur musiciantouring the worldwriting silly songs in my lovely little corner of Munich, Germany.I've had a fairly varied career from big places to startups to consulting to indie-app-development but always with Product at the heart of it - I love being part of making something that people get genuine delight from. More importantly I love bringing delight to the people around me whether that's with my home baking, terrible jokes or spontaneous songs (like the one I played to all my new colleagues in the first weeks at PostHog 🙉). I don't believe in being embarrassed - the best things happen when you open yourself up and share what your passionate about.
As an Englishman living in Bavaria, I speak English, German and "a bissel" Bavarian (please don't verify that with any Bavarian I know…). If you find yourself in Munich it might not be surprising to hear my terrible accent drifting across the Biergarten so follow the voice and come hang out 🙌
Emanuele Capparelli, Growth Engineer
🇮🇹 Italian, from Rome, but living in Portugal 🇵🇹 and Namibia 🇳🇦 these days.
I spent the last 10 years doing these things, in more or less chronological order:
⛵ Traveled and lived in more than 70 countries, trying to get to a 100 soon, while living my best adventures, from getting stuck with no documents in China to road-tripping around Africa for half a year, I let life happen as I explore our big globe.
🚀 Studied and worked as a space engineer, doing cool space research stuff at MIT and working for Americans in Russia during unsuspected times, before realising outer space is not where I’m meant to be.
🎓 Always wanted to start a company, but didn’t know how to start a company, so I got an MBA to learn how run one? It was completely useless, but gave me the time to explore ideas for the future.
💻 Self-taught programming and machine learning, worked for a while in the chatbot and text automation space, bootstrapping several small to mid size startups and projects.
📚 Got myself into a “oh you should get all the degrees universities offer” mode, so now studying for a philosophy degree with a specialisation in islamic medieval philosophy. Next one is biology, I reckon.
🌎 Eventually landed on full stack engineering, consulting for two years for anything from SV startups to large adult entertainment companies, then running my own venture-backed startup in the note taking space for another two years…until life took a turn and I joined PostHog 🦔
Paul Hultgren, Developer Advocate
Hey there! 👋 My name's Paul and I'm from the SF Bay Area.
I first became interested in coding when I was 12 and have been enamored with it ever since. The first coding job I ever had was in high school building interactive textbook exercises for a large publisher.
Over the pandemic I was bitten by the 'start-up bug', and through my good friend I got involved with the Blackstone LaunchPad (A student-run incubator at Syracuse University), eventually becoming a mentor there.
This saw me spending the next year in Syracuse, NY helping students, while also working with a couple friends to create an online marketplace for student-run clothing brands—which is ironic considering I have the worst-possible fashion sense. Eventually, we inevitably decided to build the next big social-media platform, which didn't get too far but was an incredible learning experience. After working on this for around a year, I decided to switch things up and ended up at PostHog!
Outside work you can often find me meandering on hikes through local trails. I've also been doing origami for many years now, and I try to get some folding in at least every night.
Ellie Huxtable, Full Stack Engineer
Hey! I'm Ellie, currently living in London and working on the infra team here at PostHog. I'm originally from the countryside, but moved to London for a CompSci degree I very promptly gave up on, in favour of a programming job 🙌
I've always loved making things, and have been writing code since I was 8. Here's a few of my projects:
Otherwise, my interests include motorcycles, photography, hiking, and just generally tinkering with things. This year I've ridden all over California, and did a 2000+ mile tour of Europe in a week! 🏍️
Annika Schmid, Product Manager
Believe it or not, my first job included writing exciting marketing campaigns for robotic handling systems. (It wasn’t that exciting.) So I ended up moving to London in 2019 to study for an MSc in Human-Computer Interaction at UCL. (Way more exciting.) My plan was to land a job in a startup after graduating, which, through a bit of ‘hustling’ (Sigma Squared Summit, Voyagers, Kickstart London) and being in the right place at the right time actually worked out.
After graduating, I joined an early-stage startup called Caura, where I first had the title of a Product Designer and later on, that of a Product Manager. Titles aside, what motivates me most in my work is talking to users about what they want, uncovering what they actually mean by that and then building something they didn’t even think they needed.
I joined PostHog in autumn 2022, arguably the most exciting step in my career so far.
What else? On weekends, I hang out with friends, try to make a dent in my ever growing reading list or learn something new. My family is from the Black Forest region in Germany, so I spend a couple of weeks every year working from there, going on lots of countryside walks and eating Black Forest gateau.
Luke Harries, Head of Product
I'm the head of product at PostHog. Said more verbosely: I'm the head of product for a product that helps the best product teams build better products.
Before I decided to get ridiculously meta about product, I was the CEO and founder of a YC-backed HealthTech startup. I led everything product and engineering and learned a ton about the 0 -> 1.
I've been coding since I was 12, starting with Objective C and Visual Basic – I'd like to think my choice of languages has improved. I took a detour via medical school into tech, publishing some ML research on the way.
I live in North London with my girlfriend. Apart from building product, I thrive on type 2 fun – including winter dips in the Hampstead Heath Ponds.
If you have any feedback on PostHog fire it over to me at {firstname}@posthog.com
Ian Vanagas, Technical Content Marketer
Hi, I’m Ian. I’m a writer and software developer based in Vancouver. Unlike many at PostHog, I’ve lived nearly my entire life on the west coast of Canada.
My career started in sales and customer success as I thought it could lead to working on products as a “non-technical” person. I realized, if I learned to code, I could control my destiny and build products myself. So I did it, and that led to work at a few small startups and my own side projects.
At the same time, I wrote about areas that interested me like products, communities, and internet culture. Among other achievements, my writing made it to the top of HackerNews (twice). I’ve also written for startups working in crypto, devtools, and community.
Outside of work, writing, and coding, I lift weights (working on my squat PR), play basketball, learn Spanish, and read a range of non-fiction books.
Kendal Hall, Executive Assistant
Hi I’m Kendal and I live in Cambridge UK with my partner, Olly. I have a Law degree, but after seeing how much contract reading was involved, I decided it wasn’t the career path for me!
I enjoy reading, travelling, Formula 1, true crime and crochet. An eclectic mix, which will probably tell you a lot about me! Fun fact: I’m a Pisces, so I like to think I’m creative and intuitive, love to make everyone my friend, and enjoy having a little daydream.
I also have a cat called Meatloaf who exclusively wears bowties, so she is therefore far cooler than me.
Daniel Esneider, SRE Engineer
Hi there! My name is Daniel Esneider, and I am an SRE engineer with a strong desire to learn and improve. I am always looking for ways to contribute to my company and make a positive impact. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, playing soccer, and pursuing my passion for agriculture, specifically coffee beans. I have a solid foundation in both technical and practical skills, and I am always looking for ways to learn and grow in my field. When I’m not working on complex projects or tending to my farm, I love spending time with loved ones and approaching every task with enthusiasm and a commitment to excellence.
Raquel Smith, Growth Engineer
I'm a scientist at heart who loves taking complex ideas and combining them into one simple product that users love - and that's why I'm a home cook.
Juuuust kidding. That's why I write code! I wrote my first line of "code" when I was 19 years old trying to change the color of an h1 on my WordPress website. I found the stylesheet, changed the hex code, sweated bullets as I pressed the save button, and then my jaw hit the floor when it worked. I continued to tinker with websites through my dual undergrad programs in Molecular Biology and Microbiology, and finally after graduating taught myself how to actually code.
In my career I've built websites for food bloggers, headed up Product at a manufacturing tech startup, built and ran my own startup (it failed), and finally found a role that allows me to do both PM and engineering as a growth engineer here at PostHog.
I live in San Luis Obispo, CA with my husband, AJ, our two little girls, Kacey and Norah, and our black lab pup, Dedas. In my spare time you'll either find me riding my mountain bike on the local trails or making tasty food in my kitchen (I do actually really like to cook).
Check my README to learn a bit more about how I work.
Thomas Obermüller, Software Engineer
Hi, my name is Thomas, I'm 35 years old and live in the beautiful city of Munich together with my girlfriend. I’ve been interested in programming and entrepreneurship since I was a small kid, originally wanting to become a game developer.
After school, I studied mathematics and physics with the desire to better understand how the world works - do we have a free will or is everything deterministic? Richard Feynman surely left an impression on me. However it soon became clear that the answers I'd get wouldn’t fulfil my desire.
I also always knew I didn’t want to pursue a traditional career (e.g. insurance) and towards the end of my bachelor I was looking to join a startup part-time. At a local event I quickly found out that technical people are in high demand. I met the founders of Freeletics, was immediately convinced, and joined them as CTO – full-time.
After a meteoric rise to 120 people and multi-million users, it was time for a new adventure and I co-founded Workpath with two people from the local startup scene.
Enterprise is fun for a while, but at some point I wanted to get back to building more consumer facing products. That’s when I decided to combine passion with job and founded Passion Climb, which I now maintain as a side project.
Looking for more peace of mind and not being the ultimate decision maker for a bit, I joined the fantastic team at PostHog, which I have already used myself at Passion Climb. And thus, here I am, focusing on building a great UI and making a product people love.
In my free time, I love climbing, being outdoors, vanlifing, cooking and great food in general.
Xavier Vello (they/them), Software Engineer
Had I lived before computers, I would most probably have been a woodworker, building custom furniture to improve people's lives. Considering that I'm better at wielding a keyboard than a chisel, it is a good thing that I was born in the 21st century!
I graduated as a process engineer and worked in steel, cosmetics, and cement manufacturing plants before moving into software engineering. I still love to nerd out about manufacturing processes and industrial equipment, which probably explains why I find data engineering so interesting: it is mostly a series of digital tubes feeding digital machines.
I was fortunate enough to work with great engineers who mentored me into ramping up quickly, and it's important for me to pay it forward now. I am happy to share my knowledge and mentor people, and always looking out for public speaking opportunities. I am also the maintainer of the letsblock.it project, a tool to improve the Internet's low signal/noise ratio.
Born and raised in the South of France, I am partial to South European food and culture. My next vacation is most probably going to be either in Spain or in Greece, AGAIN. I currently live in Paris with my partner and our two feline overlords, Olympe and Marius.
I lived one year in Toronto, where I got way too much into musicals and started singing in choirs (currently on a hiatus until it's safe again). The topics I currently love to nerd out about are cooking, Star Trek, nail polish, legos, and amigurumi.